Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Another Day in Paradise

Why is it that kids just will not listen? I'm not talking about the little ones who just don't know any better, I'm talking about the teenage ones. Well, that's probably the reason right there, they're teenagers.

My daughter gets up this morning and says she is sick (probably that time of the month) and she does look just awful. So I let her stay home. She'd just call someone to come pick her up after 2nd period anyway, so why bother. Gas ain't cheap 'ya know!

So she stays home and eventually starts to feel better, if she ever was sick, and then proceeds to basically act like she's the queen of the roost, get into a fight with her older brother (that's another story) and storms out of the house!

I have no doubt she'll be back after blowing off steam, I'm just so tired of chasing after her and everyone having to walk on eggshells whenever she's around.

Please feel free to share your own HORROR stories if you'd like. Those of you who are preveledged to have a teenager will know what I'm talking about, but if you're one of the few that have those perfect little Angels, I don't even want to hear from you!

Good Night and God Bless!

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